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Rainy Day Gardening - Greenhouse

Monday, October 17, 2005

My Greenhouse

In June I bought my first-ever greenhouse, which I got for super-cheap from a nursery that went out of business. It's 8x16', plastic with wood on the lower sides. It seemed huge when I first got it, but now it's full to bursting. Another nursery that's going out of business is selling tender perennials for $.10, and I bought way too many. I've decided to see which ones can be wintered over; .10 each is cheap enough to take some risks to further my horticultural education :-)

I plan to keep the greenhouse at a minimum of 45F, which shouldn't be too difficult given that Portland winters are usually mild.

I'll post updates from time to time. In the meantime, here's a partial list of what's in there:
Tender perennials - petunias, salvia, verbena, gazania, impatiens, coleus, and a few others usually sold as annuals
Citrus - several types of lemons, oranges, and limes
Elephant ears (taro)
Thunbergia (Black-Eyed Susan vine)

I have a wireless thermometer that records maximum and minimum temperatures each day. So far it averages 40-50 at night and 60-70 during the day. Outside temperatures at night are usually about 5 degrees lower than the temperature in the greenhouse. I haven't gotten a heater yet, but I plan to this weekend. Portland's average frost date is Oct. 15, so I'm on borrowed time.

I'd love to hear from other greenhouse gardeners in the Northwest.